
Tamara Kaiser has been in practice as an individual and couple therapist for over 45 years. Currently in private practice in Minneapolis, Minnesota, she offers individual psychotherapy for adults and adolescents and psychotherapy for couples. She also offers Discernment Counseling for couples. Her areas of expertise include depression and anxiety, family of origin exploration, relationship conflicts, co-dependency, divorce and blended families, cross cultural issues and spiritual questions. She also provides clinical supervision and clinical consultation for other mental health practitioners, and consultation and training for supervisors. She is Professor Emerita at the St. Catherine University/University of St. Thomas School of Social Work and was the co-founder and co-director of the School’s Supervision Institute.
Featured Videos

Speak Your Mind - Doing Therapy
Published on Oct 4, 2014
Want to know what to expect and how you can benefit from
therapy? Ever wish there was a “User’s Guide?” Well there
is! Tamara Kaiser, PhD, joins the host of "Speak
Your Mind" on public TV.

Challenges in Cross Cultural Supervision
Published in 2000
This film was created in 2000 to facilitate discussion among human services practitioners and their supervisors, where there are racial and cultural differences both between the supervisor and supervisee in the supervisory relationship...
Books in Print and available for E-Reader downloads
Dr. Tamara Kaiser is the author of A User's Guide to Therapy, What to Expect and How You Can Benefit and Supervisory Relationships, Exploring the Human Element.

A User's Guide to Therapy
For clients who want to enhance the process of psychotherapy

Supervisory Relationships
For supervisors and supervisees to anticipate workplace issues